Book jacket image for The Gardener of Lashkar Gah by Larisa Brown

Bloomsbury Continuum



The Gardener of Lashkar Gah

Larisa Brown’s The Gardener of Lashkar Gah tells the harrowing story of the Afghan aid workers that NATO left to their fates when the Taliban regained control of Afghanistan.

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Review of ‘The Gardener of Lashkar Gah’

After 20 years of trying and failing to rebuild Afghanistan in the wake of 9/11, NATO allies pulled out of the country, promising sanctuary in the United Kingdom to the hundreds of Afghan interpreters, base workers and their families. In The Gardener of Lashkar Gah: The Afghans Who Risked Everything to Fight the Taliban, award-winning…

Featuring ‘The Gardener of Lashkar Gah’

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